Visionary Artist | soul purpose astrologer | feminist Jewellery designer


Adorn your temple

Built to last as a sacred heirloom for generations to come. These sacred creations are for those ready to reclaim their power, the mystics weaving spells of change, and the revolutionaries forging a path to a New Earth – I extend a cosmic invitation to co-create a reality where individuality is revered, and magic is a way of life.


Mindfully crafted adornments & ceremonial tools

custom pieces available upon request

handmade jewellery | CEREMONIAL tools | womb art | astrology readings 

As a Visionary, Feminist Artist, Psychological Astrologer, Dark Night Of The Soul Alchemist and Spiritual Guide, my mission is to guide you on a transformative journey, awakening the remembrance that you are magic. 

I aim to empower every individual to embrace their unique self-expression and gifts. My divine feminine anatomy inspired art and jewellery act as a guiding light, inspiring beings of all genders.

By helping to shift our consciousness in how we view women's bodies away from over-sexualization, shame, disgust and fear, we can strive to build a new world where every womban feels honoured, respected and loves their body.

the woman behind the art

get to know me

Meghan  Simao